Your over-active imagination could get you into trouble on an eerie night in the Yorkshire Dales!

They say that many old inns in the UK are haunted, and your family seem to have picked one for their summer holiday. While everyone else is asleep, investigate the inn and bring its biggest secret to light.

Note: Content includes PG-rated horror.

Walkthrough available below.


FIRST ENCOUNTER - Walkthrough.txt 1.1 kB


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Great creepy story! Enjoyed this one.


Delightfully creepy with some humorous bits (the doorstop and oven descriptions made me chuckle). The puzzles are mainly barriers, but the puzzles and descriptions give the game a realistic feel.

Thanks for playing! I see what you mean about the barriers: Originally playtesters were simply told the old woman went downstairs and were left to explore the inn freely. It didn't really add to the atmosphere or feel rewarding/compelling so, among the final changes, I added the interactions at the top of the stairs. I might see if I can rebalance this after the competition, or keep it in mind for the sequel: The Haunted Hamlet.

I enjoyed this game. Not too long, not too exasperating, enough mystery to keep me interested but not so obscure that I rage quit (which I often do!). One comment - the HELP instruction does *not* list all the verbs that are needed...maybe a separate VERBS command or something?

Hi Goliard, thanks for playing and for the feedback.
I know what you mean about the rage quitting: I often exhaust all the synonyms and combinations apart from the one that the game actually wants!
HELP gives a list of common commands but not all the verbs for completing the game. After voting ends, I'll look at adding a verbs list in a future update.

On a separate note, I sometimes think some kind of log would be useful for developers, so that they could look at the kind of responses users come up with. Is such a contraption available in Adrift?

I'm not sure about Adrift - this was made in Adventuron - but tstart and tstop will produce a downloadable text file for this engine which shows player input.

Oh, right -- sorry about that -- got my wires crossed! Thanks for the reply.